Subsidy for Biologics Treatment
The costs of biologics agents in the treatment of arthritis are very high. As the financial help provided by Government’s Medisave, Medifund and other schemes may not be sufficient to cover these costs, NAF would provide financial support to help patients defray these costs.

Subsidy for Transportation Arrangements
Where underprivileged arthritis patients require transportation arrangements to shuttle between hospital and home, NAF will help costs.

Subsidy for Medical Aids/Equipment
Where underprivileged arthritis patients require medical aids/equipment to facilitate their treatment or movements, NAF will help to subsidise these costs.

Subsidy for Diagnostic Tests
Where a treating doctor recommends certain diagnostic tests to better treat the arthritic condition, NAF will help to subsidise these costs for underprivileged arthritis patients.

NAF provides subsidised rehabilitative home-based physiotherapy sessions.
Starting in March 2024, you may schedule an appointment for a therapist to provide physiotherapy at your home.
How to apply
All applications for NAF Patient Subsidy Care Fund would have to be made through the Medical Social Worker at a Restructured Hospital in Singapore.